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« on: October 08, 2013, 07:38:00 pm »
been background noise in the run for presidential nominations. Baker suspects it will become a noisy issue once the two parties have settled on candidates. That's because both of the leading Republican candidates, George W. Bush and John McCain propose some degree of privatization of Social Security. Democrats disapprove of privatization.Senator McCain proposes using 62 percent of the surplus that isn't going into the Social Security Trust Fund to help finance a new system of private accounts. Workers could invest part of their payroll taxes in stocks and bonds. Mr. Bush also talks of private accounts within the Social Security system.Baker offers a cautionary note. The CBO now forecasts that aftertax corporate profits, taking account of inflation, will shrink 4.8 percent by 2010. Profits as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product are at a recordhigh level. The CBO expects that level to fall.In any case, shrinking profits are not a good omen for stock prices.Baker suspects the happy hopes of those kee
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 y. A person can usually tell them apart by their dress: marketers in blue Oxfords and ties, designers in Prada sweaters and nose rings, and techies in Tshirts and camouflage pants.Despite this diverse mix, the idea of community is a common theme with many at the party. The Internet was never about the NASDAQ and IPOs, some say, but about making it work.There was a lot of greed in the last few years, says Hemming, but that really wasn't a part of the original community. I mean, stock options are great, but that's not the reason so many of us were excited at first, with optimism at the prospect of bringing the world together. Now there's a mass exodus of senior management people who are saying 'I'm outta here!' after the April downturn, and going back to traditional industry.Now that these interlopers are gone, those committed to the industry might be able to get back into things, she says.Hemming, who hopes the pinkslip party becomes a national trend, got the idea after she herself was laid off in January. After h
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 extramarital affair with a boy who's even dimmer and duller than she is. Why not cajole him into eliminating her irksome spouse, whereupon her career will surely rocket to the lofty orbit for which it's destined?Where the humor comes inMany of the funniest scenes in ''To Die For'' depict Suzanne's professional life, contrasting her optimistic dreams with the workaday reality of a lowglamour job on a noglamour channel that cares less about setting the world on fire than just staying in business for the immediate future.The movie ranges far beyond media satire, though, reserving its most cutting sarcasm for the middleclass milieu in which Suzanne and her family live. They're ordinary folks with ordinary homes, jobs, and problems, and they sincerely see themselves as decent citizens from head to toe.What they don't perceive are the signs of greed, sexism, ethnic prejudice, and other ills that run subtly through the fabric of their lives  reaching a harrowing high point in Suzanne's murderous plot and the daunting d
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 he number of its troops in the province to 3,000, to close several Army bases there, and to implement more or less in full a plan to reform and reduce the Royal Ulster Constabulary, the mainly Protestant police force.An unnamed IRA intermediary is to give General de Chastelain details of a plan to detonate  probably in Ireland  a cache of obsolete weapons. Britain's Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported yesterday that de Chastelain had been invited to witness the destruction of a symbolic cache of weapons later this month.The gobetween also will discuss arrangements for placing modern IRA weapons, plus explosives, in special sealed dumps equipped with alarms linked to local police stations. This arrangement would be intended to satisfy Northern Ireland Protestants that IRA arms had been decommissioned.British law bans private citizens from owning handguns of any kind. Special legislation will be needed to legitimize their possession. The precise timing of these arrangements is unclear, but there is pressure on all
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